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N64 Games A-F...

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1N64 Games A-F... Empty N64 Games A-F... Sat 05 Nov 2022, 20:31

Amiga Mini Man

Amiga Mini Man

Here you will find the best settings/ configs, which version of RetroArch to use and which region of game ROM (PAL or NTSC) to use in order to get the best out of N64 Games on your A500 Mini, along with some short notes about each game...

007 -  GoldenEye:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X1
Xtreme OverClock: X2
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 70
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 240

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 22100

ISSUES: Audio breakup and some gfx slowdown throughout the game unless you use a frame-skip of 1 (Xtreme TurboBoost), especially on the later levels. While introducing a frame-skip does mean the gfx are less smooth some of this can be counteracted by setting "Xtreme OverClock" to 2. Basically if you want to play this game from start to finish without audio break up and gfx slowdowns then you must use frame-skip but it really doesn't detract from the gameplay though and that's the important thing...

007 - The World Is Not Enough
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.10.3
Core: Mupen64Plus-Next

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution 640 x 480
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
FrameBuffer Emulation: True
Background Mode: OnePiece
Filter Background Textures: True/ On
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 80

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: true

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 64
Output Rate Hz: 22100

ISSUES: The Players arms/ hands and weapons that should be seen in front are unfortunately being covered up/ drawn over by other elements on the screen such as carpets, pillars etc... The game is still playable though as at least the "crosshair" can still be seen so that you can see what you are aiming at...

If using the 'Parallel" core and "Angry Lion" then the arms, weapons etc... can be seen as they should be BUT unfortunately when "Angry Lion" is turned on the gfx are plagued with black vertical and horizontal stripes (due to different basic screen resolution being used by "Angry Lion" that calculates the scaling procedures)...

1080 Snowboarding:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Less Accurate Blending Mode:False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Native res. 2D TexRects: True/ On
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 90
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 144

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 22100

ISSUES: "Native 2D texrects" must be set to on to get rid of vertical lines that appear in the games logo and menu screens, this however causes audio breakup while playing the game when you bring the "tricks list" up on the gameplay screen. Thankfully though it doesn't cause cause any slowdowns or audio breakup during the actual gameplay itself.

40 Winks:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: True/ On
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 100
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): false/ off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 22100

ISSUES: Other than the main menu screens being broken up with faint "boxes" then the gameplay itself works perfectly...

This can be eliminated by turning on "Native res. 2D texrects" but this slows down both the audio and gfx during gameplay...

Using the "Parallel" core & the "gln64"plugin sorts the issue on the main menu screen but unfortunately causes other gfx issues during gameplay such as the clock, treasure chests and other items not to be displays in the correct colours most of the time...

A Bugs Life:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:19
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Less Accurate Blending Mode:False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: True/ On
Continuous Texrect CoOrds: Force
Analogue DeadZone: 0
Analogue Sensitivity: 50
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 128

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 33100

ISSUES: Non really, seems to play well throughout... 

Army Men - Air Combat:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:19
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: True/ On
Analogue DeadZone: 0
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 33100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Army Men - Sarges Heros:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: True/ On
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 0
Analogue Sensitivity: 80
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 210

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Army Men - Sarges Heros 2:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: True/ On
Analogue DeadZone: 0
Analogue Sensitivity: 75
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 128

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 33100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Asteroids Hyper 64:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 100
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 224

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 22100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Banjo Kazooie:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 100
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 33100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Banjo Kazooie - Gruntildas Mask:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Banjo Kazooie - Nightbear Before Christmas:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Banjo Kazooie - Smash Bros Temple:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Banjo Kazooie - Stay At Home:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Banjo Kazooie - The Bear Waker:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Banjo Kazooie - The Gruntch:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Banjo Kazooie - The Jiggies Of Time:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Less Accurate Blending Mode:True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X1
Xtreme OverClock: X3
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 30
Analogue Sensitivity: 75
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 192

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 33100

ISSUES: Still requires a frame-skip of 1 to eliminate all the audio breakup but in this case it doesn't really detract too much from the gameplay...

BattleTanx - Global Assault:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 0
Analogue Sensitivity: 75
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 160

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 33100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Beetle Adventure Racing:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Color Buffer to DRAM: Async
Depth Buffer to DRAM: Software
Continious Texrect CoOrds: Auto
Filter Background Textures: True/ On
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Use High-Res Textures: True/ On
Use High-Res Full Apha Chn: True/ On
Analogue DeadZone: 30
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 144

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: This is the only N64 game I have found so far that really needs extra memory. You can play the game just fine and non stop until you progress to the "Pro Level" and the new track called "Metro Madness" it add at that level...

To successfully complete the "Metro Madness" track you will need to use the old "toggle SRGB" tick to get past it and have to do so twice on each lap, otherwise the game will always freeze on that track as it runs out of memory...

The "SRGB toggle" trick is as follows...

When the game starts slowing down on the "Metro Madness" track (the memory usage reaches about 420MB used up) then use "Menu" & "Home" on the controller to enter the RetroArch menu, go to Settings/ Video and click ONCE on "toggle SRGB", wait a few seconds and this will free up some memory down to about 340MB being used, then return to the game and continue playing until you complete the track...

You can still play the game from beginning to end and even unlock the hidden"Bonus" round and new track that comes after the "Pro" level but just be aware that to do so you will have to use the "SRGB toggle" trick each time on the "Metro Madness" track...

It's a great game but until I can get the extra memory/ virtual memory up and running then to complete the game you would have to do the above. Mind you a lot of people never get to the "Metro Madness" track as it takes a fair bit of practice to do so...

Blues Brothers 2000:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 128

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Buck Bumble:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 0
Analogue Sensitivity: 75
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 224

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

California Speed:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X1
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 100
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 224

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: Requires a frame-skip of 1 (Xtreme TurboBoost: X1) to eliminate the audio breakup on the Unlocked "California" track but it doesn't detract from the gameplay due to the nature of the graphics...

Carmageddon 64:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X1
Xtreme OverClock: X1
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 100
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 240

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 33100

ISSUES: Requires a frame-skip of 1 (Xtreme TurboBoost: X1) to eliminate the audio breakup on screen fades/ transitions but setting Xtreme OverClock to "1" helps smooth out a bit the gameplay when having a frame-skip of 1 in this case...

Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 0
Analogue Sensitivity: 80
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 128

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 33100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Castlevania - Legacy Of Darkness:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 80
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 96

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 33100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Chameleon Twist:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360 
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: True/ On
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 0
Analogue Sensitivity: 75
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 64

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Conkers Bad Fur Day:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 100
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 240

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 22100

ISSUES: Other than some audio breakup on the games menu/ selection screen and some issues with the characters shadow in places (which doesn't really detract from the gameplay) then the game seems to play perfectly throughout...

Daffy Duck Starring As Duck Dodgers:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 144

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, seems to play well throughout...

Diddy Kong Racing:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480 
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: True/ On
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 80

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES: None really, seems to play well throughout...

Donald Duck - Quack Attack:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.10.3
Core: Mupen64Plus or KM LudicrousN64 Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480 
Apect Ratio: 4:3
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 64

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 38200

ISSUES: Other than the title & logo screens at the start not displaying then the gameplay itself seems to play well throughout. If you want to see the intro/ logo screens then use one of the other Mupen cores but be aware doing so will cause random colour issue in text and graphics that I can't find settings to prevent happening... simply hold down the "Start/ `Home" button on the controller when the screen goes black at the start and this will start the game and stop it going into demo mode...

Donkey Kong 64:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 0
Analogue Sensitivity: 80
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 144

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, seems to play well throughout...

Earthworm Jim 3D:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 128

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 32100

ISSUES:  None really, seems to play well throughout...

Forsaken 64:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 75
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, seems to play well throughout...

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