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N64 Games S-Z...

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1N64 Games S-Z... Empty N64 Games S-Z... Sat 05 Nov 2022, 21:53

Amiga Mini Man

Amiga Mini Man

Here you will find the best settings/ configs, which version of RetroArch to use and which region of game ROM (PAL or NTSC) to use in order to get the best out of N64 Games on your A500 Mini, along with some short notes about each game...

Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 128

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 32100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

San Francisco Rush - Extreme Racing:
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Region: PAL
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 32100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

San Francisco Rush 2049:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 144

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 32100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Sooby Doo! Classic Creep Capers:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: False/ Off

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 96

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 38200

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

South Park:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 0
Analogue Sensitivity: 60
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 128

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

SpaceStation Silicon Valley:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 64

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Star Fox 64:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 160

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 32100

ISSUES:  Apart from the audio breakup and gfx slowdown on the main menu (star chart screen) then the game plays almost perfectly throughout. You can get rid of most of the audio break up and gfx slowdown on the main menu/ star chart screen BUT NOT ALL of it by increasing the frame-skip (Xtreme TurboBoost) but that makes the actual gameplay less smooth and really isn't worth it for an issue that only occurs on a screen that is nothing more than a menu...

Star Soldier - Vanishing Earth:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 96

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Starshot - Space Circus Fever:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X1
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 96

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  Needs a frame-skip of 1 (Xtreme TurboBoost) to eliminate all audio breakup that could occur in certain places in the game but other than that then it seems to play well throughout...

Super Mario 64:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 96

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Super Mario 64:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 96

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Super Mario 74:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: ParaLLEI N64

Quick Menu Settings:
GFX Plugin: glide64
Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Texture Filtering: Bilinear
Buffer Swap: False/ Off
Glide64 Vertex Cache: False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 144

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 22100

ISSUES:  Haven't played  this one enough/ fully so there might well be audio break up further into the game or gfx slowdowns but during testing I had no issues with either with these settings...

Super Mario 64 - Odyssey:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 96

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Super Mario 64 - Odyssey And Cappy:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 96

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Super Mario 64 - The Green Stars:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: ParaLLEI N64

Quick Menu Settings:
GFX Plugin: glide64
Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Texture Filtering: Bilinear
Buffer Swap: False/ Off
Glide64 Vertex Cache: False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 160

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 22100

ISSUES:  Fair bit of audio breakup on the main level select screen but in the actual levels themselves then things seem to run just fine. Haven't played  this one enough/ fully so there might well be audio break up further into the game or gfx slowdowns but during testing I had no issues with either using these settings during the actual gameplay...

Super Mario 64 - The Missing Stars:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): False/ Off

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 96

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

The Legend Of Zelda - Majoras Mask:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 30
Analogue Sensitivity: 90
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 128

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 32200

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...
Note: To play with a standard controller (ie:no analogue joystick) then for most of the game then "Z" button isn't really needed BUT for when it is needed simply enter the 'Quick Menu/ Controls" screen and change the "Menu/ Select" button on the controller from "C Buttons X+" to "Z Trigger". Then when you've finished doing what you need with the "Z" button simply change it back again. That way you can play the entire game on a controller that doesn't have an analogue joystick 

The Legend Of Zelda - Ocarina Of Time:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 0
Analogue Sensitivity: 80
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 144

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...
Note: To play with a standard controller (ie:no analogue joystick) then for most of the game then "Z" button isn't really needed BUT for when it is needed simply enter the 'Quick Menu/ Controls" screen and change the "Home/ Start" button on the controller from "C Buttons X+" to "Z Trigger". Then when you've finished doing what you need with the "Z" button simply change it back again. That way you can play the entire game on a controller that doesn't have an analogue joystick 

Tom And Jerry In Fists Of Fury:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 64

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Tony Hawks Pro Skater:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  Other than issues with shadows in some places then the games plays really well throughout...

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 144

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  Other than issues with shadows in some places then the games plays really well throughout...

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3:
Region: NTSC
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
16:9 Resolution: 640 x 360
Apect Ratio: 16:9
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds Force
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 60.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 128

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  Other than issues with shadows in some places then the games plays really well throughout...

Toy Story 2 - Buzz Lightyear To The Rescue!:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  Other than issues with shadows in some places then the games plays really well throughout...

Turok - Rage Wars:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 64

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  Other than issues with shadows in some places then the games plays really well throughout...

Turok 1 - Dinosaur Hunter:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 30
Analogue Sensitivity: 70
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 64

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Turok 2 - Seeds Of Evil:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 64

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Turok 3 - Shadow Of Oblivion:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: True/ On
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

V-Rally Edition 99:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False/ Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Less Accurate Blending Mode False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 80
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Wave Race 64:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Less Accurate Blending Mode False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 112

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

Wipeout 64:
Region: PAL
RetroArch Version: 1.9.10
Core: Ludicrous Xtreme Amped

Quick Menu Settings:
4:3 Resolution: 640 x 480
Apect Ratio: 4:3
Xtreme TurboBoost: X0
Xtreme OverClock: X0
FrameBuffer Emulation: False Off
Filter Background Textures: False/ Off
Continuous Texrect CoOrds False/ Off
Analogue DeadZone: 15
Analogue Sensitivity: 85
Player 1 Pak: Memory

Settings/ Video/ Output/:
Vertical Refresh Rate: 50.000Hz
Force-disable sRGB: True/ On

Settings/ Video/ Synchronisation/:
Vertical Sync (Vsync): True/ On

Settings/ Audio/ Output/:
Audio: Alsathread
Audio Latency: 64

Settings/ Audio/ Resampler:
Audio Resampler: Nearest
Resampler Quality: Lowest
Output Rate (Hz): 44100

ISSUES:  None really, Seems to play well throughout...

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