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RetroAami - Download and Installation...

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Amiga Mini Man

Amiga Mini Man

Installing RetroAami is a very simple and easy to do process...

Head over to my main RetroAami thread/ post over on Reddit at "Rockin The Classic" where you will find the actual download link...

Reason for doing that is if I post the link here then unfortunately this site first redirects the link to a dubious and annoying site called "AdFly" which links you to all sorts of spam & garbage sites and most often never even take you to the actual download on MediaFire where it is stored !!!

So go to this link on Reddit first and use the download link there to download the RetroAami Zip file (sorry about that inconvenience)...

RetroAami Download Link On Rockin The Classics...

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order for your USB Drive to be recognised by your A500 Mini then you must after formatting your USB Drive as FAT32 go to the Official A500 Mini website and download and install "TheA500 WHDLoad Package v1.0.1"  (or if you have already installed version 1.0.0 then you can just use that). If you don't install this then your USB Drive WON'T be recognised by your A500 Mini...

This is the link to the official site for the download and you can also find the installation instructions there for installing "TheA500 WHDLoad Package v1.0.1"

Official A500 Mini "WHDLoad Package" Download & Instructions...

(Thought it best to add these instructions as apparently some people didn't realise this and hadn't installed the above official package and were wondering why their USB drive wasn't being recognised !!!)

Installation of RetroAami itself is simple...

Once you have dowloaded RetroAami you will then have a ZIP file called "RetroAami Ver 1.0.zip"...

Either place this Zip file on your A500 Mini's USB Drive or on your Desktop or somewhere convenient to you and then simply unzip/ extract its contents...

Once Unzipped you will then have a folder called "RetroAami Ver 1.0" on wherever you extracted it too...

Inside the folder you will find the following files and folders...

Games/ (The folder where you store your games)

RetroAami/ (The folder containing RetroArch and where you will launch RetroArch from)

-A500Reboot (A file that will simply reboot your A500 Mini, handy for clearing the internal memory)

-A500Reboot_ol.uae (A file used by the system)

-A500Reboot.LHA (A file used by the system that is required in order for something to show up on the Mini's menu system)

-A500ShutDown (a file that will shutdown, power off your A500 mini most of the time!!! anyone who owns an A500 Mini will know about the issues it quite often has when trying to shut it down)

-A500ShutDown_ol.uae (A file used by the system)

-A500ShutDown.LHA (A file used by the system that is required in order for something to show up on the Mini's menu system)

Simply copy or move the contents of everything inside this folder to the ROOT of your USB Drive. After that you can then delete the folder called "RetroAami Ver 1.0" and the Zip file...

Now you can plug your USB Drive back into your A500 Mini and start to add your own games for all those other retro games system you enjoy...

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