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RetroAami - What Is & Why...

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1Cool RetroAami - What Is & Why... Sat 27 Aug 2022, 10:56

Amiga Mini Man

Amiga Mini Man

RetroAami (pronounced Retro A ami) Allows You To Play Games From Other Games Systems On Your A500 Mini WITHOUT Having To Modify Or Hack Your Console...

The A500 Mini quite simply is the most powerful home Mini console on the market today and allows you to play many retro games from other games systems better/ smoother than ALL of the other current Mini consoles around...

The Main Benefits Of RetroAami Are...

  • It runs direct from your USB Drive with no need to modify/ hack your A500 Mini as most other such setups do. This means you WON'T invalidate your A500 Mini's guarantee or risk "bricking" your console. 

  • Thanks to the A500 Mini's more powerful processor then it can play most retro games from various systems better & smoother than any of the other current Mini systems around (it can even run some games that no other Mini consoles can)...

  • The use of KMFDManics carefully modified custom cores (emulators) also helps boost the performance of your A500 Mini to it's very best...

  • Thanks to everything required being on your USB drive then it's very easy to update, modify, add or remove cores, games or versions of RetroArch...

Why RetroAami !!!

RetroAami was inspired by "Pandory" a RetroArch add-on released by "Team Pandory". When I saw that it was possible to run RetroArch on the A500 Mini using "Pandory" I thought I would create my own "improved" version as the "Pandory" version uses a Linux Disk Image file which means for the end user you have to have the ability and knowledge to create or edit a Linux Disk Image file if you wanted to add/ use different versions of RetroArch or add more cores, which I personally didn't have a clue or ability to do... thus "RetroAami" was born...

I set about figuring out how to run RetroArch on the A500 Mini in a simple easy to use manner that would allow everything to be easily run, updated & configured direct on the USB drive itself with no need to learn about or even use Linux Disk Image files....

Didn't take me long to figure this out and once I had a working version up and running I posted a video of it on "Rockin The Classics" on Reddit and soon KMFDManic (the gawd of custom Mini cores) took an interest in this wee project and quickly joined me in creating what has now came to be known as "RetroAami"...

At first I had never intended or even thought about making "RetroAami" as something to release to the public and had only intended it for my own personal use but "Manic" soon convinced me that it should be made available, so we both set about putting together a full package and along the the way after much testing and brainstorming a lot of improvements and feature were added with hopefully even more to come after this initial first release...

My Own Personal "Ideas" Of What "RetroAami" Gaming Should Be...

For me this is quite simple with the following being what I consider to be the most important things when it comes to "Retro Gaming"...

Games should play as well and just as they would on the original hardware ie:...

  • Play at the correct framerate (no running too fast or too slow)...

  • Play as smoothly as possible (no frameskipping unless unavoidable)...

  • Have little to no audio breakup or graphics slowdowns...

  • Be able to play games fully from the standard/ stock controller (ie: No need to add a controller with an analogue joystick to play Nintendo 64 or Playstation games or other games systems that normally require such a controller)...

  • Avoid having to use a keyboard/ virtual or real just to be able to play a game (ie: all keypresses such as "Press Return To Start Game" or "Press The SpaceBar To Toggle Weapon" are instead remapped to buttons on the controller, though this is less of a problem on the A500 Mini with its ability to add a USB keyboard but is still something I like to avoid if possible). The only time a keyboard (real or virtual) may need to be used would be for entering names in high score table, entering passwords etc... or playing games that require a full keyboard to play, flight sims for example. Other than those then my aim is to have games be fully playable via just the controller...

For those that like to experiment and run games at crazy speeds, play custom CD soundtracks or do all sorts of different things with shaders and the likes and were not having "smooth/perfect" graphics and audio won't be an issue for you, then KMFDManics version of the RetroAami release would be more suitable for you...

So head over to Manics posts and download links on "Rockin The Classics" on Reddit if that's what you are looking for as he will be able to guide you far better on those type of things when it comes to running games that are pushed beyond the limits of normal gameplay...

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