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RetroArch - Downloads

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1RetroArch - Downloads Empty RetroArch - Downloads Sat 27 Aug 2022, 10:11

Amiga Mini Man

Amiga Mini Man

RetroArch Downloads: Here you will find all the various versions of RetroArch that can be run on your A500 Mini using RetroAami...

You can have as many or as few different versions of RetroArch as you want on your A500 Mini and all versions will always be available to download and install, so that you the end user can pick and choose which versions you want/ need...

Simplest method to install a new or updated version of RetroArch is to download the .zip file, place it on the root of your USB drive and extract if from there, that way it will ensure everything gets copied and installed into their correct locations/ folders within the main RetroAami folder on your USB Drive...

RetroArch Download Links:

RetroArch - Version 1.10.3 - 4th Sept 2022

RetroArch Xtreme - Version 1.10.3 - 4th Sept 2022

RetroArch Xtreme - Version 1.9.10 - 4th Sept 2022

RetroArch Xtreme - Version 1.8.4 - 4th Sept 2022

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